Title Image - Fun with the Box - Making fun of the Box because he wouldn't cooperate.
A sincere warning, this "strip" is actually me practicing drawing as quickly as possible and working with 3D Programs. Why draw so fast? Well, I am working on a animation project and I can't spend thirty minutes on each frame. That wouldn't be quite right now would it?
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Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2003 eclection
Think I'm getting the hang of keenspace, and I am in the process of getting fwtb.keenspace.com working on, well, FWTB. ^__^

Monday, Sept. 22, 2003 eclection
I decided to finally start using this keenspace account. It took me six months to get the damn thing, I might as well start using it, right? Since I'll be storing the Life is too Short episodes on Newsgrounds, I wanted to do something else here. Fun with the Box is kinda like a side-story in the same universe as LITS. The characters of FWTB are the same characters that are in the sequel to LITS.